

Feeling sort of sad...
I dunno wat it meant but it seem like I m not so important...
I doesnt mean anything...
Sometimes feels so much down...
Shud I continue??
I m so hesitating to make my own choice...
Sometimes I really wish I could have a kind of magic medicine that I can take it to forget abt anything, back to my childhood time...
Or being bang or hit by anything on me to make me lost any memories...
It is killing me slowly...
If ask me wat I want for my birthday,
Can I wish my dream above come true???'
Tat is all I wanted for my present tis year...



Strongly agree with this statement, after I came studying in Utar...
There are lots of Utarian's mind oni filling with SHIT!!!
No matter they are Junior or Senior...
So in conclusion, They are SHIT Person...
Doesnt contribute to society, oni wasting their parent money to grab tat useless degree certificate...
FUCK these SHIT people!!!!


淌血~ ing

三月第一天, 我买了人生的第3手机....
人生那3架手机都是同一个牌子... (也太诡异了吧)
而且是由史以来最的.... ($ 800++)
本人是非常精打细算的咯, 而且也舍不得用惯了的旧东西.... :P 

Sony Xperia P, 它最大的特点是内含16 gb 的记忆体存库..
还有8.0 mega pixel 的相机, 还附有 front camera... (这是我要买它的原因, hiak hiak)
操作方面还不错咯, touch screen 还蛮顺手的, 也不会很 lag...
外形也非常符合我喜欢的款式, 四四方方的... 
机身还算薄+ 轻, 不过就稍微有点长, 不能放在口袋里.... (捶心~ ing)

而且这架还是"死剩种", 只剩下最后一架黑色的罢了... (这个款的没有出了)
haha... 可能它命中注定就是属于我的, 在那边等我带它回家很久了.... (好惨)

"放心吧, 这下子马麻我把你买回来了, 你不用再待在冷冷的 display橱了....
马麻会好好照顾你的, 你要乖乖听话哦...." XD