

这几天好累, 不管是生理还是心理;
不想出街, 不想聊天, 不想面对人群;
好想大声呐喊, 大声哭泣, 好想痛痛快快宣泄;
那些堆积在内心深处_______ 负面情绪....

我的烦恼, 没对象倾听, 没对象倾诉...
而且我最讨厌, 就是那些不懂用心听我说活, 还反过来对我大吐苦水, 向我征求意见和解决它所谓的烦恼的人...

Please, Bitch!!!!!
I'm not your fucking dictionary, your mentor, your teacher, your psychiatrist or google...
Don't asking me solution to solve your fucking problem...
Since you made your own decision, you will know what will gotta happen...
Don't make your fucking emo face to me or showing your sentiment....
It's just make me want to give you two slaps to wake you up...
Please be responsibility to your choice;
Be in charge of your life!!!!
I hate the people who doesn't know be responsible of their decision....

FUCK OFF MY LIFE!!!!! 凸凸凸凸凸凸凸凸凸凸



这20年以来, 都是家人帮我庆祝生日....
在外面过生日的感觉特别感慨, 唏嘘, 有股淡淡的失落....
当看见哥哥为我唱生日歌, 感觉特别窝心...^^

人~ 是不可以贪心的, 要知足, 懂得寻找属于自己的小小幸福..
懂得享受, 懂得惜福, 懂得感恩!!!!
要知道每个人都是特别个体, 有自己的人格, 思维, 性格, 脾气..
别奢望别人对你施舍, 吹捧和奉承...
要懂得的是, 不管是什么人, 就算是亲人, 总有天都是会离开我们身边...
Just do what I like, don't bother with others, my life is on my hands...
对自己说声: " Happy 21th Birthday!!! "
现在开始, 我的生活, 我决定.....